Stateflow, SharedFlow and Channel in Android
Each of these serves a different purpose in Android development. Choosing the right one ensures better performance, correct event handling, and avoiding UI g...
Each of these serves a different purpose in Android development. Choosing the right one ensures better performance, correct event handling, and avoiding UI g...
In Kotlin, let, apply, run, also, and with are extension functions that allow you to work with objects in a more concise and readable manner.
Both sealed classes and enums in Kotlin are used to represent a fixed set of types, but they serve different purposes and have distinct features.
In Kotlin, both companion object and object classes are used to define singleton-like behavior, but they have different use cases and characteristics.
The āOā in SOLID stands for the Open/Closed Principle (OCP)
The āLā in SOLID stands for the Liskov Principle (LCP)
In Android, exceptions are categorized into checked and unchecked exceptions, just like in Java, since Android is built on the Java platform (or Kotlin, whic...
In Kotlin, the reified keyword is used with inline functions to retain the type information at runtime.
Map collection explaination.
Examples with their corresponding lifecycle charts for clarity.
A detailed comparison of ArrayList, LinkedList, MutableList, List, Array, and Vector in Kotlin, along with examples and key differences
A short combination about pros and cons of Thread and Coroutine
The short explanation about Android fragment
The short explanation about Android fragment
In Kotlin, interfaces, abstract classes, and open classes are powerful constructs used for defining behavior and class hierarchies. Each has specific feature...
The difference of data class and class in Kotlin