2 minute read

In Kotlin, both companion object and object classes are used to define singleton-like behavior, but they have different use cases and characteristics.

1. companion object

A companion object is an object inside a class, allowing you to define static-like properties and methods.

Key Features:

✔ Belongs to a specific class.
✔ Can access private members of the outer class.
✔ Acts like static methods in Java but still respects Kotlin’s object-oriented model.
✔ Only one instance is created per class (singleton).


class MyClass {
    companion object {
        fun greet() = "Hello from Companion Object"

fun main() {
    println(MyClass.greet())  // No need to create an instance of MyClass

💡 Equivalent to Java’s static methods but with more flexibility.

2. object Class

An object class in Kotlin creates a singleton instance directly.

Key Features:

✔ It is self-contained and does not belong to another class.
✔ Can be used for utility functions, single-instance services, or global state.
✔ The object is created lazily when first accessed.


object Singleton {     
	fun greet() = "Hello from Object Class" }  
	fun main() {     
	println(Singleton.greet())  // Directly calling the object 

💡 Singleton design pattern is automatically implemented.

Key Differences:

Feature companion object object class
Belongs to A specific class Standalone (Global Singleton)
Instance Creation One per class One per program
Use Case Static-like behavior for a class Single-instance utility/service
Access to Outer Class ✅ Yes (Can access private members) ❌ No (It’s independent)

When to Use What?

Use companion object when:

  • You need static-like behavior inside a class (e.g., factory methods).
  • You need access to private properties of the outer class.

Use object class when:

  • You need a singleton to manage global state or shared resources.
  • You need a utility class with helper functions.

Example Comparing Both

class Car(val name: String) {
    companion object {
        fun createTesla() = Car("Tesla")  // Factory method

object CarFactory {
    fun createFord() = Car("Ford")  // Singleton managing object creation

fun main() {
    val car1 = Car.createTesla()  // Using companion object
    val car2 = CarFactory.createFord()  // Using object class

    println(car1.name)  // Output: Tesla
    println(car2.name)  // Output: Ford