2 minute read

The “O” in SOLID stands for the Open/Closed Principle (OCP). This principle states that:

“Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension but closed for modification.”


  • Open for extension → You should be able to add new functionality without changing existing code.
  • Closed for modification → Once a class is developed and tested, you should not modify it directly. Instead, extend it using inheritance, interfaces, or other design patterns.

Why is OCP Important?

  • Avoids modifying tested and working code, reducing bugs.
  • Enhances maintainability and scalability.
  • Supports adding new features without breaking existing functionality.

Example in Kotlin

Bad Example (Violating OCP)
Let’s say we have a DiscountCalculator class that calculates a discount based on the user type:

class DiscountCalculator {     
	fun calculateDiscount(userType: String, price: Double): Double {   
		return when (userType) {             
			"Regular" -> price * 0.1  // 10% discount             
			"Premium" -> price * 0.2  // 20% discount             
			else -> 0.0         

💡 Problem:

  • If we need to add a new user type (e.g., “VIP” with a 30% discount), we must modify calculateDiscount(), violating OCP.
  • Frequent modifications increase the risk of bugs.

Good Example (Following OCP)
A better approach is to use polymorphism by creating an abstract class or interface:

interface DiscountStrategy {
    fun applyDiscount(price: Double): Double

class RegularDiscount : DiscountStrategy {
    override fun applyDiscount(price: Double) = price * 0.1

class PremiumDiscount : DiscountStrategy {
    override fun applyDiscount(price: Double) = price * 0.2

class VIPDiscount : DiscountStrategy {
    override fun applyDiscount(price: Double) = price * 0.3

class DiscountCalculator(private val discountStrategy: DiscountStrategy) {
    fun calculateDiscount(price: Double): Double {
        return discountStrategy.applyDiscount(price)


val discountCalculator = DiscountCalculator(PremiumDiscount())
println(discountCalculator.calculateDiscount(100.0))  // Output: 20.0

💡 Why is this better?

  • Open for extension → We can add new discount types (e.g., SuperVIPDiscount) without modifying existing code.
  • Closed for modification → The DiscountCalculator class does not need to change when new discounts are added.

Key Takeaways

  • Avoid modifying existing code; instead, extend functionality using abstraction.
  • Use interfaces, abstract classes, and polymorphism to follow OCP.
  • Helps in scalability and maintainability of software.